Manjedal Adventure Centre

282 hectares of Jarrah Forest midway between Byford and Jarrahdale.

Staying at Manjedal

Our accommodation and camp ground capacity for up to 800 people allows you to book that awesome exclusive event. No matter how large or small your gathering is, Manjedal has a site to suit.

Day visits
You are welcome to come in for just the day to begin an adventure at Manjedal, study the environment, or just relax.

Activities at

There are a large number of activities that groups can undertake at Manjedal. Some activities require trained Manjedal staff and some you can run yourself (self-facilitation). Manjedal staff are happy to help you plan successful activities.




Manjedal Grounds


Can I arrive/leave early or late?

Depending of the requirements for the site at may be possible. Best to call 08 9525 1210 or [email protected]

Can I book online or can someone book everything for me?

Yes both!

Do I need to be a Scout to visit a Scouts WA adventure centre?

Scouts WA adventure centres are open to all youth organisations and schools.

Do you have insurance?

Yes! Please check the Terms and Conditions tab.

How much does it cost?

Just click on the location, there is a full price list of accommodation and activities available.  

Book now at Manjedal

Follow the bellow link to use our booking system or contact us for more information

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